Friday, June 10, 2011

The Fight

Written by Sean Brink

Every day it’s a fight against myself
A constant battle between my born again self and my sinful nature
Light continues to show the path, but my feet constantly desire to step into darkness
The fight never ends
The battle continues day and night
Rest coming only in moments of complete surrender to Christ
I find only in the absolute presence of God, does the darkness flee.
The fight never ends
The darkness that had fled, yet now starts to creep back in
How I wonder; Why I wonder
It seems the very nature of my being desires wrong, desire evil
As though I am actually trying to stifle the very light that gives me life
A war raging inside me for me
The fight never ends
Though the darkness assaults ruthlessly upon me, the light is never extinguished
At time a mere spark seems all to remain, a mere ember glowing
The fight never ends
A sudden From nowhere a subtle wind blows,
The breath of God sweeps across my very soul yet again
The spark burns brighter, the ember hotter
Finding an uncanny rest, unrealistic peace, indescribable strength, a fire erupts
Light engulfs my very being
Tears fall from my face, my soul in complete submission, humbled in the presence of God
A battle I have always lost, is a war I’m starting to win

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I stinkin love this.