After work/school on Friday, we all rushed over to my house, loaded up a few cars, and got on our way to Colorado Springs for “The Mill” (young adult church service at New Life Church). We got there just in time to experience the whole thing including the free bagels and Starbucks they offered prior to the service. The whole thing was amazing! With over 1000 kids, it was definitely a far cry from the group that I had attended during college 4 years ago. Watching hundreds of your peers jump, clap, laugh, cry, and dance- all in the name of Jesus- was an absolutely incredible experience! After The Mill we made a pit stop at a favorite local restaurant and hung out at a coffee shop til closing time.
We spent the night on the living room floor of my sister Mari’s house, stayed up late, and got up kind of early so we could spend some time enjoying the red rocks of the Garden of the Gods. Good times! Here’s a pic:
Saturday night was prom night for East High School, so we left the springs early so everyone would have time to get ready. Around 1am, the after-prom party started at our house. It should actually be called the after-prom relax since we just hung out and talked – everyone was asleep by 3am... still fun though… who wants to go home on prom night?
Three hours later we were up and headed to the theater to set-up for church. The services were awesome as always and Morgan and Jeremiah even wore their prom tuxes to church! Now, all we have left is Fusion tonight and we will round out a very, very full Varsity Fusion Weekend… one that I will not soon forget.
I absolutely love being your youth pastor!
Love the picture!
wow, thought i was in Arizona for a second.
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