Wednesday, June 2, 2010

SHIFT Series reCAP: You Don't Have What It Takes

In this last series, “You Don’t Have What it Takes”, we discussed our inabilities to accomplish everything in our lives “on our own”. Stop and think for just a minute about the obligations and requirements that you have to accomplish this month. Not just the little tasks that you have today but ultimately the huge responsibility of building relationships and the Call of God to wherever He is leading you. The real point of coming to the realization of our inadequacy isn’t to bring doubt upon our ability but to bring reliance and trust on God as our highest support.  He doesn’t want us worrying about pleasing everyone or what our future holds or even what our “calling” is. What he really wants is for us to take those things out of our immediate (and noticeably) fallible control and place them in His more than capable hands. 

Think of it this way, would you like to pick the perfect spouse based on your ideas of perfection or allow Him to develop the person He wants for you, do you want to spend the next 8 years of your life striving and killing yourself to develop a career that’s worth bragging about to your friends but miss out on what God asked you to accomplish this week? This is the heart of not living life “our way”. The challenge to us is finding what areas in our lives are not partnerships with Christ and allowing Him to disrupt our authority. Finally, what freedom can come from giving up on the attempt to accomplish everything in life on our own steam? 
