Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday Musings

After a long blogging hiatus, a 6-week business trip, and a whirlwind of God-inspired activity at theSHIFT, I'm back...

Last night was nothing short of incredible! It was so great to meet new Shifters that had been attending for a month and no idea who I was. As far as they were concerned, their leaders were Sean, Dani, Jonathan, Thomas, Jared, and Morgan. Who's this new guy?! Love that!

God is so much bigger than me. He's bigger than theSHIFT. He's bigger than Element. He's bigger than the American church. And He's bigger than the Body of Christ as a whole. To be exact... He's what this is all about!

If each of us will take up our own crosses and follow Jesus, what would this world be like?

I think it might be alot like theSHIFT that I saw last night... people loving each other, laughing, hugging, playing, caring, praying together. It was beautiful... It really was. Like a glimpse of what God wanted "the Church" to be all along.

I'm humbled to be a part of what God's doing with theSHIFT. I'm privileged to walk beside such talented and called folks. And I'm excited that the core of theSHIFT now realizes that it will survive and thrive with or without me.

Can't wait to find out where God leads next!

One of MANY,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the update & encouraging post. I pray for you, your family, and the ministry that God has placed you in. Walk in the anointing that God has given you. Lead on my brother!
