Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sunday Reflections

Ok, so Sunday did not go exactly as we originally planned, but turned out to be a great night with theSHIFT.

Saturday night Curtis was called last minute to do some flying in Guernsey for the week, so theSHIFT was left leaderless. After some quick reconfiguring we decided to move our meeting to our house and just spend the evening hanging out.

20 people showed up and we spent most of the night playing Mafia. Now mafia is one of those games that takes total participation from the group...it's either a huge hit or a terrible flop. Sunday night it was definitely a hit. On a fun night you can play several times without getting bored...I think we played 8 times!!!

What did I learn in our fun-filled night?

Becca's only job is to die.
The "pinky swear" is no longer trustworthy.
Saying "potato" does more than just get the smoke from the campfire to redirect.
There can only be ONE sheriff.
Dani would do almost anything (10 extra pushups in boot camp) to make us believe she's not mafia.
It is not a good idea to chew gum while trying to silently kill people.
Jared and Lindsey should not sit near each other.
Kristin does not get along with gray socks.
John's full name rhymes with John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt...i think.

It was great hanging out with everyone. I feel so blessed to be a part of such an amazing group of people!!

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