Monday, May 4, 2009

Trust Me

About a week ago, I was listening to some guys at work rant about people that sign up for the National Guard and then are upset when they get called up to serve overseas. They want the government to give them benefits and money for college, but they don't want to follow through with their commitment. They went on and on about their frustrations, and I just kinda laughed, agreed, and walked away.

Moments later, God and I had a talk... silent but specific. Went something like this:

God: They're talking about you.

Me: How so?

God: You made a commitment to the Air Force when you decided to go to pilot training and now you're trying to get out of it.

Me: But that's because that's what I felt like You wanted me to do then. Now I feel like You're calling me to do something else.

God: That is what I wanted you to do. I also want you to follow through with your commitments. Don't confuse calling

(this is where I went downhill)

Me: Then why am I feeling called to ministry while I still owe the Air Force 7 more years? I mean... God, I don't know if you knew it or not, but these are the best years of my life! You could use me so effectively right now!

This deal at Element is as good as it gets. Why would you waste my potential on the Air Force?

God: Seriously?

Me: Seriously

God: I knew about the Air Force... and about pilot training... and about Element long before you did.

I lined things up just right so that you would be right here, right now

Me: interrupting (never good with God)... I know, and thanks, but I'll take it from here.

God: You underestimate what I'm capable of. I've done a pretty decent job up until now, haven't I?

Me: yes

God: then fulfill the commitment that
you've made... and TRUST ME



B. Pagano II said...

That sounds just like a lot of my recent conversations with God. Why do we always think we know better? Just so you know, you're doing awesome stuff right now...I know I'm learning a ton. Thanks for what you do, bro.

Curtis Marshall said...

thanks Bruce... love having you on the team. can't wait for what God's gonna do with us!