Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday Night Reflections

-- This past Friday was the most intense discussion we've had yet... best turnout we've had so far too.
-- We talked about forgiveness... the wounds that we have in our lives, the revenge we've sought, the forgiveness we still need to give.
-- It was an awesome time of vulnerability and openness.
-- Maybe forgiveness isn't only for the offender but (and maybe more importantly) for the freedom of the victim... pretty deep stuff

-- Last week we talked about cutting noise out of our lives. So, I decided to take a break from blog reading/learning for a week. It takes up quite a bit of my time, and I wanted to give myself more opportunity to hear God's voice.
-- I thought it would be easy, but it's kind of addictive.. so it was harder than I expected.
-- God was faithful (isn't he always?). I'd been trying to figure out what I was supposed to preach about on April 26th for the "Generations" series and it was made clear to me. Guess I needed to STOP LEARNING for a few minutes and start LISTENING.

-- Anybody else have stories from cutting out the noise last week?

NEXT WEEK: Meeting in a different room at LCCC. Same entrance. First room on the right. We're gonna be talking about MONEY...


Jason Hirsch said...

Curtis, what do you need from me on the mentoring men side of things? I'll hook you up with whatever you need! Are you bi-vocational, or are you looking to go into full-time ministry. What is your long term vision? Just curious!!


Curtis Marshall said...


I'm looking to mentor the guys in my college group... I've had a few requests, but don't know exactly where to jump in. just looking for insight/resources on how to do it well...

I'm currently bi-vocational, but my heart leans toward full time ministry. I'm committed to the AF for another 7 yrs unless God intervenes. After that, I will go where God sends me. I'm not sure if that'll be church or parachurch, but I'm feeling the call... just waiting for it to be realized.
