Friday, October 24, 2008

SHIFT launch

Last week we had our first official SHIFT service. Before launch, we met for about a month in a small group setting and discussed the design, feel, and principles of theSHIFT. Now, we have transitioned to a musical worship service led by Nathan Brennan, audio/visual by Morgan Clark, and I get to do some preaching.

The launch wasn't perfect, but I was excited to see our best turnout so far (19), and a relatively smooth service for our first go at it. I started a series called FEAR and I talked specifically about irrational fears (spiders, heights, etc) that first night. Since then, we did a sermon about rational fears (ie. failure, rejection, finances, etc) and we'll be talking about the fear of the Lord next week.

For design, we decided to use round tables and black table cloths with candles.... still needed light, so we left a bank of fluorescent lights on (got that fixed this week with a set of 4 flood lights). I hope to continually make "worship experience" improvements as we strive toward an experience that is relevant and effective in creating a community for college and twentysomethings in Cheyenne - with the ultimate goal of improving our relationships with Jesus Christ... feedback for theSHIFT, about our relevancy or effectiveness, is welcomed and desired.

Glad to have the first couple under our belts,

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