Now, it goes without saying that I did not train well. I had the best of intentions, but for some reason I just couldn't find the time to get my butt in gear. So, instead of finishing the race with blazing speed and unrestrained confidence... I got beat by moms with 4 children, men in their 60's, and even grandmothers with grandchildren my age. I almost lost to this guy (Phil Weiland):

and I'm really glad I didn't because later I found out that he had already run a marathon the week before and was running another one next week! Seriously, these people were incredible! Their faithfulness and dedication was amazing... which gave me food for thought.
First, why do I have trouble finding time with God while others spend 10hrs+ each week training for a race? The answer: PRIORITIES! These folks didn't just have some extra time in their week and needed something to fill it. They MADE time! If it was important enough, we would MAKE TIME - enough said.
Second, why am I not willing to put the work in? As a Church and as Christians it seems like we are so proud of ourselves when we "pull something off." What happened to careful planning, preparation, and execution? When we fail to plan, we should plan to fail. I believe that God has called to live our lives with excellence, not just half-effort attempts.
Third, don't quit. If you start something, finish it. If you say you will be somewhere, be there...ON TIME! (ouch! that one hurt). If you promise something, follow through. Let's not be seen as a generation of unreliable quitters. Take pride in what you do... not just in your job, but in the way you live your life.
For those that know me, you know I'm talking to myself here as much as to anybody... but now that it's posted, I have you all to be accountable to.
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